Waste Water Heat
Recovery for Showers

Shower Waste Water Heat Recovery

A Wonderfully Simple Route to Cost
Effective Energy Saving

The wonderfully simple cost effective solution to reduced energy costs

What is a WWHRS?

A Waste Water Heat Recovery System captures heat energy from bath and shower waste water and uses it to preheat the incoming cold feed that refills the system. This technology significantly boosts the overall energy efficiency of the property.

A Waste Water Heat Recovery System is a cost efficient solution to optimise SAP and meet Part L Building Regulations. This adaptable solution is suitable for a wide range of building types.

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Why choose Showersave?

We’re market leaders in WWHRS. Our products make a significant impact on hot water energy savings for showers, benefiting homeowners, housebuilders & developers.

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Showersave is a competitive alternative to MVHR, solar PV or triple glazing, achieving similar carbon and energy savings and also reducing energy bills.

Book a CPD

Our Accredited CPD is available in-person and online. We deliver an overview of Waste Water Heat Recovery technology in both residential and commercial environments.

Showersave installer app

Record and monitor installations with ease

The Showersave App ensures all installations are accurately documented in a matter of minutes!

Registration of your Showersave Waste Water Heat Recovery System is a SAP requirement and important for product guarantee purposes. The Showersave App has been developed to reduce paper based manual processes, it’s a quick and easy way to register installations.

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Trusted by customers large and small across the UK & Europe

The use of the Showersave QB1-21C on this development gave us exactly what we needed to comply. It was straightforward to use in SAP and its undoubted credibility gave us the confidence to recommend it to our clients.

Ian Douglas - Partner

Cogan & Shackleton

The decision to install Showersave on these apartments was a simple one. Not only did they help with compliance at a very reasonable cost, they were simple to install and above all they add to the comfort and maintenance free goals of this exclusive development.

Jim Hodgen – Project Manager

O’Prey Developments

We specified Showersave because it is the most cost effective brand within the field of Water Waste Heat Recovery, and we have the confidence that the system will delivery long-term performance and reliability.

Contracts Manager

Gower Homes

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